finally 3 months probation is up!
and thank to my Executive i get a increment in pay leh..
although it onli 60buck not even a hundred but at least take home pay is like more liao
but she going to leave mi or should i say the company liao
kinda sad to noe tat coz she reali good to mi..
wat to do...
she been so stress over work and her son and wat so ever
i can't simply ask her to stay when my boss ask her to stay she still dun wan
i tink my boss should tink of increasing her pay
too bad i have no rite to help her talk so i juz gonna stay and hope she wun go lo...
if not sure die...
I reali piss off on monday with my tat Gm...
Idiot de leh...
say mi do ting berry kan jong
dun need so kan jong doing stuff and i should find way to solve my own problem..
asss rite...if i dunno how to do,how ting going to work man...
of coz i need some1 to help mi rite
i kan jong becoz i worry abt the transfer call tingy
den kanna say
worry for nothing man
nvm after my course next year i sure going to jump de...
let wait and see...
finally this coming sat dun need to work liao
i muz plan well for my weekend haha
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