Spent the weekend with hubb, just hubb.. It has been so long since the both of us spend time for just the two of us...
Fallen sick~high fever, headache and backache.. Gosh! What a day man!
Finally, took out my LOVE candy dish, cake stand and all the poms poms out from the storeroom.. and Yaaayyy..
![Photo: Big poms poms for my candy bar!
♡♡ 4months and 4days to #lovewithyinandloh ♡♡](https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/p526x296/10592836_10154491639655338_2369259039913894450_n.jpg?oh=7ff117ab427224fae56d9a7495042f14&oe=5476A0AC&__gda__=1416555506_6e94eda77bf3e5c8e31026a6ec2ad7a0)
I managed to do one of the pom! See how beautiful it is... Can't wait for my big day to come! #lovewithyinandloh
Oh ya...
SurprisingMylove berry first candy bar will happen in Nov wor.. Stay tune!
Finally movie date with hubb... last movie that we catch in the cinema was transformer lor...
Still abit not feeling well.. went to eat at Sakae Sushi (their system change till so bad... hate it!).. Anyway, I totally no appetite at all and feeling cold so never really eat much..
Thank Hubb for insisting of buying Starbucks Hot green tea latte.. My all time favorite!
Catching the movie 'Sex Tape'.. I love Cameron Diaz, so does Hubb.. Her acting, her role still as good..
Moral of the movie ~ quote by Hubb
1) the cloud is very powerful. If you don't understand it, stay away from it.
2) Remember the real reason, why people make out
3) Cameron Diaz is still so hot
Went shopping after movie date with hubb.. and I finally persuaded Hubb and bought Osim U-shape.. Thank hubb for approving it... Love you..!
My strong man... the prefect one!
I really dunno it to be so heavy and bulky.. This hubb insisted not to take cab from Orchard.. so he dragged and carried all the way from Orchard to Yishun and finally cabbing home..
Thank hubb for being my prince.. The one and only one!
I will definitely make good use of the U-shape.. Starting tomorrow la....!
Monday is here lo...
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